As our team continues to grow alongside our thriving regional innovation economy, TechAlliance is elated to welcome Tanushree Prasad as our Digital Marketing and Engagement Specialist. With expansive experience in digital marketing and social media, Tanushree will bring a strong growth marketing mindset and innovative ideas to entrepreneurs. As a Digital Marketing and Engagement Specialist, she will have a strong focus on showcasing TechAlliance experiences, resources, and stories through the inboxes and social feeds of local and regional founders, ventures, and stakeholders. Understanding the irreplicable value of community creation and communications, Tanushree will be a part of cultivating marketing and engagements built for innovators to learn, network, and thrive.
Tanushree began her career journey in her home country of India, where she thrived in positions as a Social Media Executive and Account Executive while connecting and engaging with robust digital communities. Through these positions, she truly harnessed her love and talent for media and marketing, piloting brand positioning, strategy, content management, and more. Understanding her drive for digital marketing and engagement, she then continued her studies through a Business Management Post Graduate Degree here in London, Ontario at Fanshawe College, where she maintained her marketing and engagement career in Canada as a Social Media Marketing Coordinator for Fanshawe College, and as an Advocacy and Communications Coordinator for the Fanshawe College Student Union. With an impressive resume and a true passion for learning and growing, Tanushree is bound to be an esteemed and integral part of the TechAlliance team. Bringing a vibrant spirit and fresh ideas to the table, we look forward to seeing the incredible support that Tanushree will bring to our innovation ecosystem.
“I love to create an impact with my work and build community and connections, and I truly believe that my new position at TechAlliance is a way for me to contribute to the community and help entrepreneurs”, says Tanushree, “Digital marketing and community engagement energizes and excites me, and the fact that I can create meaningful connections through my marketing expertise is a cherry on top. I look forward to creating an impact by learning and growing with the team while doing something that I love.”

“Boasting an entrepreneurial spirit, Tanushree’s addition to our team comes at a time where change is inevitable and important, and growth is on the horizon. Her knowledge of digital marketing and true passion for community connection will prove to be a valuable asset, not only to our team here at TechAlliance, but to all entrepreneurs, founders, ventures, stakeholders, and community members who work closely with us to bolster and uplift our regional innovation economy”, shares Christina Fox, CEO of TechAlliance, “Tanushree, we are so excited for you to join us in making a difference”.
TechAlliance is delighted to welcome Tanushree Prasad – with a knack for community building and valued experience in digital marketing, she will bring new visions and opportunities for TechAlliance companies and stakeholders in our continued journey to elevate and uplift Southwestern Ontario’s globally competitive innovation economy.