Many Canadian job sectors have been negatively affected by the pandemic, driving professionals to change careers and inspiring opportunities that would have otherwise gone unnoticed. Job creation in certain sectors such as B2B sales and Information Communication Technology has surpassed pre-pandemic levels, allowing companies to flourish during the pandemic, yet struggle to fill job vacancies with skilled professionals. Palette Skills, a national not-for-profit that reskills Canadians for jobs in growing industries, is partnering with TechAlliance to launch cohorts of its signature program, SalesCamp, targeting Southwestern Ontario as a space for growth and opportunity for employers and employees alike.
The SalesCamp program is set to launch cohorts on September 20th, October 4th, and October 25th that help reskill talent into high-demand and growing careers through live, online sales training and connections to hiring managers and other professionals, with an extra incentive of program participation fees being waived for Ontario residents. The program also offers a community of alumni who are currently working at (and getting promoted within) fast-growing companies. With a 95% job offer rate within 3 weeks of program completion, SalesCamp participants are set up for professional skills development that will launch them into a successful and fulfilling career.
The program consists of 5-days of online synchronous learning and an additional 3 weeks of distance learning, career coaching, and job search support. It is funded by the Government of Canada and supported by the University of Toronto, and within its first 2 years, saw participation and support from over 60 fast-growing tech companies. Alvin Meledath, a graduate of a previous SalesCamp cohort, reflects on his training and development, stating “The Palette community was there to support me from day one and beyond, and they helped ensure that I had the tools and resources to find my dream role”.
With the tech industry and businesses at the forefront of what they do, Palette Skills offers hiring partners cost-free exclusive access to pre-vetted candidates who have successfully completed the SalesCamp training. The rapid upskilling of recruitable candidates ensures that job applicants are meeting all the required needs for a company and have multifaceted tools to fulfil all types of positions. Accessing this pipeline of growing and reputable talent is the easiest way for B2B sales and tech businesses to fill their empty entry-level seats with scalable candidates who have a drive to learn and add value to their companies. Alumni come out of the program with strong interpersonal skills, communications support, and team building and leadership capabilities. These upskilling programs work because of the multidirectional approach that is taken to provide skillsets and support for people through their job search and provide confidence in the onboarding process for hiring companies to ensure that they are adding value to their team. With novel success in their first few years, these upcoming fall cohorts are expected to bring a boom of sales and tech talent into the London-Middlesex region. With praise from past employers and program participants, Palette Skills is developing careers and keeping businesses in touch with qualified, well-trained employees.

If your organization is looking to build or grow its sales or customer success teams, connect with SalesCamp today.