A year after London-based sisters Madison De Sousa and Jenessa Olson shelved their growing startup because of the COVID-19 Pandemic, they are helping businesses across the country reopen.

De Sousa and Olson launched In The ClearZone in March 2020 when their clothing rental business was put on hold following the onset of the pandemic. Having just experienced the loss of a business, they knew they wanted to help other companies avoid the same; ten days later, In The ClearZone (ClearZone) was launched.

Built on the sisters’ passion for sustainability, ClearZone brings eco-friendly and affordable options for their clients to keep spaces disinfected. ClearZone’s patented technology provides businesses with environmentally and economically sustainable solutions to sanitize commercial spaces, harnessing the power of nature. The products use air and light and are manufactured in London, Ontario.

“If you asked us two years ago if we would be working in manufacturing and inventing new hardware products we would have laughed, but then again, I don’t think anyone thought that they would be re-creating their businesses,” said Olson, talking about the transition between businesses and about the learning curve of a new industry. “Thankfully, we’ve had some amazing industry experts who have helped us scale quickly.”

Over the last few months, ClearZone has helped a range of offices, restaurants, clinics, and hotels stay open and give their customers and employees the confidence knowing that they’re entering a space that is disinfected properly. Today, ClearZone is preparing to help businesses with their newest challenge – reopening.

A fan on the floor inside of a home.

“We are so excited that businesses are reopening, and life is getting back to normal, but with that comes a whole new batch of challenges,” said De Sousa. “Some people can’t wait to get back into the office, but the logistics aren’t straight forward – how do we get people to their floors if only two people ride together in an elevator? What about buses? Trains? How will people get to work? These are some of the problems that businesses are trying to work through that they’ve never had to deal with before.”

This realization led to ClearZone’s latest development, the HydroClear Technology, for use in small, occupied spaces. This technology supports existing health initiatives. As the world continues to open, it is here to bridge the gap between lockdowns and the free world.

“We began our commercial trials in June 2021 after months of product development and research,” said Olson. “This product couldn’t be coming at a better time. We really try hard to keep a pulse on the needs of businesses and we’re ready to help them tackle this next phase; that is, after all, why we started this business in the first place”.

De Sousa and Olson use the data from the trials to inform final product iterations to support local tourism this summer and return to school and offices in the fall.
