Canada’s young professionals and post-secondary students are equipped with in-demand skills for the future of work. Emerging tech talent and their contribution to SWO’s vibrant tech ecosystem is a priority for innovation in Canada, which is why as summer internships wrap up at TechAlliance, we’re celebrating our interns and thanking them for their individual impact on the innovation economy through their time with us. 

Digital Product Coordinators, Isabella Brodeur and Tyler Wilson, became reliable and inspiring members of the TechAlliance team, thanks in part to Canada Summer Jobs, and provided a student lens that aided growth for Southwestern Ontario’s Regional Innovation Centre and the companies we support.   

Interns working on their laptops in an office

Hiring students interested in tech, venture growth, and entrepreneurial fields is always a smart play. We found significant value in the positive collisions between our interns and our team of specialists to best aid the operations of our ecosystem, providing a fully immersive learning experience not found in all workplaces.

Isabella and Tyler brought ingenuity to our processes, developing content and creative insight for new experiences for founders, tech talent and industry leaders while contributing to a team dynamic that was fun, functional, and educational for both the interns and our staff.   

“We like to look at our internships from a project standpoint — creating opportunities for student talent to experience achievement while advancing the strategic priorities of TechAlliance. While offering emerging leaders the autonomy to work and learn, they also hone their skills for their future careers in innovation”, shares Jennifer Starcok, People & Operations Leader.  

Isabella and Tyler’s focus was ecosystem amplification through written and video content creation. Their jobs varied as their skillsets were utilized for custom educational content and contemporary marketing communications, leaning into our values of being bold, impactful and real. 

Reflecting on their summer positions at TechAlliance, Isabella and Tyler shared their appreciation of the learning opportunity, adding a wealth of knowledge about a vibrant tech sector locally and globally to their professional portfolios. “I was given responsibility and autonomy as an intern and I worked better and learned more because of it”, reflects Wilson. Having strayed away from traditional corporate internships, Isabella and Tyler demonstrated independence and capability with projects germinating new opportunities. “TechAlliance has been a great cultural fit focused on equity and teamwork. We get to sit in on those big moments and ideations for things that we then lead, like social copy for something we created from scratch months ago,” said Brodeur. 

 Understanding the nuances of modern internships and seeking student employment opportunities, they speak of the impact that TechAlliance has on their future by allowing them to fully dial into important work and independently take on tasks as equally contributing members of the team. Isabela and Tyler wrap up their time at TechAlliance with heartwarming sentiments of their experiences and speak highly of the impact this summer position has had on them personally and professionally. TechAlliance will be watching and cheering for these two young professionals who are bound to achieve success.
