The world that we live in is filled with and fuelled by data. Evergreen content, data collection, social media marketing and everything in between — the things we encounter and ingest on our screens day-to-day are meaningful opportunities from which to derive insights. Speak Ai, a no-code language analysis platform built by Western University alumni, is building its business around taking this data and turning it into tangible, business-driven insights to over 20,000 users to date. 

Speak Ai takes unstructured language data, such as recorded conversations, survey questionnaires, audio or video and converts the content with automated transcription to identify actionable, competitive insights from the data. Its speech recognition and natural language processing engine uncovers important keywords, topics and key phrases using sentiment analysis and more. With the data captured and analyzed, businesses can compare trends over time and find entirely new opportunities for marketing, research and insight gathering that wouldn’t be discovered without this incredible tool. “Digital assets are being made in every corner of business, but often go unused because of the manual time and energy it takes to sift through that data,” says Tyler Bryden, Co-Founder of Speak Ai. “These assets are super valuable to businesses, and we’ve created the tool that mines them for meaningful use.” 

Speak Ai is an i.d.e.a. Fund recipient. Supported by a $10-million Government of Canada investment through the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev Ontario), the i.d.e.a. Fund is led by Innovation Guelph in partnership with five Regional Innovation Centres (RICs): Wetech Alliance, Haltech, Innovate Niagara, Innovation Factory, and TechAlliance of Southwestern Ontario. The program helps high-potential ventures access the tools they need to succeed by providing financial and business advisory supports to develop or redesign products, services, processes and technologies that reduce impacts on the environment and create made-in-Canada solutions. 

Digital technology has an impact on our environment, and this server-intensive SaaS utilizes a lot of computing power due to machine learning and audio and video processing. Speak Ai dedicated its i.d.e.a. Fund project to understanding its impact on a deeper and more quantitative level. As consumers are increasingly more interested in ethics and environmental impact, Speak Ai set out to answer the questions about how its system aligns with meaningful environmental, social and government (ESG) initiatives. Building a landing page that holds data about the computational use and impact on climate through Speak Ai systems, the company intends to continue refining its calculations and publishing them on a more formal basis, providing transparency to its users and stakeholders. “Not only was this implementation valuable for us to know and optimize, but it also helped us create a value proposition for our companies and customers,” says Bryden. 

“The i.d.e.a. Fund offered Speak Ai a unique opportunity to add credibility and leverage for future investment,” says Andrew Leest, Manager of Venture Growth at TechAlliance. “They put together a project that really helped optimize other business goals while still providing its own inherent value to the company and customers.” Currently in the process of bolstering its business through investment, hiring and the constant improvement of its product experience, Speak Ai is a southwestern Ontario stronghold in the recently booming space of language Ai. Speak Ai offers a 14-day trial for new users to explore the tool and its value in data collection and analysis. As businesses continue to manage manual labour costs and leverage technology to do so, services like Speak Ai are bound to become a valued addition to the team. 

To learn more about Speak Ai and start your 14-day trial, go to
To learn more about the i.d.e.a. Fund go to
To learn more about FedDev Ontario, go to 
